To keep track of the Palin Veep Circus
* She has a 4 month old child with special needs and not going to stay home to take care of it.
* She has a pregnant 17 year old daughter who is going to marry the father of the child. (as if that makes everything OK and acceptable!)
* The high ranking Conservative legislators in the State of Alaska are revealing Sarah's lack of credibility and competence.
* She's in the midst of an ethics and abuse of power investigation.
* Her position on the "bridge to nowhere" changed repeatedly despite what she announced in Dayton.
* She's just fine with abortionsto this day for 12 year olds to be able to have an abortion without their parents consent.
And it is early yet today.
Labels: Palin Investigated, palin scandal, sarah palin, stupid girl
I found this blog by accident and will be following future postings from now through Election Day. Voters like me need to know the good, the bad, and ugly about the unknown Sarah Palin, and I for one am in the process of reading everything I can locate online and in the print media, and can hear from both sides on television.
Last night on CNN, Republicans were struggling, looking quite unprepared, to make the case that Palin is qualified. In fact, one of them, a McCain spokesman, made a fool of himself saying that as part of her qualifications to be Commander In Chief, she deployed the Alaskan National Guard. Host Campbell Brown had to correct him that the Pentagon is in charge of NG deployments. When pressed to name one act she had taken with the Alaskan National Guard, he was unable to do so and kept deflecting from answering the question.
The Republicans are going to have to do a much better job of selling this woman because I'm sure I'm not the only voter that doesn't consider being a good mom, being smart and perky, a former athlete and sportscaster, the mayor of a hamlet, pro-life and not aborting a Down Syndrome baby, being governor of a state with the same population as my own Ohio county, being in charge of the Alaska National Guard with a mere 1,850 soldiers (according to Wikipedia), and living close to Russia in any way qualifies her to step in as leader of the free world, God forbid that should ever become necessary.
From Blog Common Mistakes
Top Ten Sarah Palin Scandals
And now, for those of you who want some vetting of this unknown person who's just been jetted into the national limelight, here are the top ten Sarah Palin scandals (and for a woman who's been in office for less than two years, it's an impressive list):
Sept 6: ALERT! Republicans trying to shut down Troopergate investigation by having lead investigator fired.
[Update: September 4. Due to the increasing number of scandals coming out day by day, I've reordered the list to reflect what are in my opinion the ten most important as of today, with runners up listed afterwards. The original list of 10 posted on August 30th appears at the end. Please note that people commenting before the 4th are commenting on the original list.]
#10. Iron-Fistgate - Sarah Palin ruled her small town Wasilla with an iron fist. Can we say "female Dick Cheney"? Even conservative commentator David Brooks of the NY Times concedes that Palin does little to reassure voters about their biggest concern about McCain: that he just doesn't have the temperament to be President. And her speech at the convention reinforces that impression. Coming in at number ten since painting Palin as the "hero mayor of the small towns" opens up her small town history for scrutiny.
#9. Censorgate. She asked her town librarian if the library "could live with censorship of library books.” Coming in at nine as it signals most succinctly to voters that she's the darling of the hard right.
#8. Whinergate. She called Hillary Clinton a whiner. THIS is the candidate who's supposed to win over disgruntled Clinton supporters? Can we say "Phil Graham"? Coming in at number eight because even after her speech, Palin is still having trouble convincing Hillary supporters she's anywhere near as substantial as their gal.
#7. Mayberrygate: Palin fired the Wasilla police chief because he was trying to clean up drinking and concealed weapons in the town. Coming in at number seven because it's the delicious kind of small-town backdealing story that seems to be where this campaign will be headed.
#6. Kidgate. Not only is she staunchly anti-choice, she recently had a Down's Syndrome child. While making a choice to give birth to and raise such a child is certainly courageous - and will be at least as appealing as Biden's personal backstory - many women will wonder how she can decide to leave such a child while campaigning for the White House. And you have to wonder at her judgement to get pregnant in her mid-forties, after already having four children, knowing the risk of having a child with such a disease (or was this an example of what happens when right-to-lifers don't use contraception?) Won't all this, along with her membership in a notorious anti-choice organization called "Feminists for Life," seem like she's exploiting a baby for ideology, and turn most women off? Some Clinton aides see this scandal as sexist, but it's still picking up a lot of sympathy from average folks turned off by the images of politicians passing the baby around at the convention.
#5. Bricknergate. Palin's preacher invites a speaker to spew anti-semitic nonsense while she sits in the audience and listens. Can we say Reverend Wright? Coming in at number five: this one has the potential to turn off crucial Jewish voters in the two key states of Ohio and Florida. If McCain loses either of those states, he's done.
#4. Bridge-to-Nowheregate. She was for it before she was against it. Coming in at number four since she brought it up again in her speech: this one will receive real press scrutiny.
#3. Porkgate - Palin lobbied Washington for frivolous funds. Coming in at number three since it contradicts the whole Republican theme that this is a team of outside "reformers."
#2. Oilgate. She's vetoed legislation for wind and solar energy and is securely in the pockets of big oil (her husband works for British Petroleum). She's even willing to let polar bears die for oil. Coming in at number two because as Nate Silver points out, "taking on the oil industry" for Sarah Palin means getting them to drill more and cough up more scratch for Alaskans. This is a "put Alaska first" policy not a "put America first" policy. Since she's making Alaskan oil the centerpiece of her campaign, I expect to see a long piece on this in the New Yorker.
#1. Troopergate. She fired her public safety commissioner because he refused to fire a state trooper who was the ex-husband of her sister and engaged in a bitter custody battle. Can we say "Bush Administration"? Still number one because it's going to produce the biggest bang when reports are released in October.
Haven't heard about Troopergate? Want more on the deliciously "Northern Exposure Meets Nixon"-esque intricacies of the abuse-of-power scandal rocking sleepy Alaska? Read about it here.
So - what scandals didn't make the list?
Junogate. I agree with Obama: family should be out of bounds. I think camp McCain has chastised the media enough...and there are enough other scandals...that this will effectively be put to bed.
Dairygate - Apparently she mismanaged a failing state-run dairy. This one seems a little bit obscure and hard to fact-check to me. Haven't seen much else about it.
Affairgate. National Enquirer breaks "story" she had an affair with her husband's business partner. But it's the National Enquirer. Let's wait till ABC picks up the story.
Cluelessgate. She sounds totally clueless talking about Iraq or foreign policy. After her speech at the convention, people will question this less.
Buchanangate. She was a big supporter of Pat Buchanan's 1996 rather hard-right, somewhat anti-semitic run for office. That ought to win over voters in Florida. However, this fact is now being denied by the McCain campaign, so this one will probably go away.
Superstitiongate. Not only is Palin anti-science, she wants to teach Creationism in schools. But since there are more Americans who would accept Creationism than censorship, Censorgate takes the list.
Sexual Scandalgate. She appointed a known sexual-harassment offender to office then had to fire him. But this hasn't gotten much pick up so far.
Secessiongate - Turns out Palin didn't belong to this anti-American organization promoting that Alaska secede from the union, even though her husband did.
And I'm sure there will be more in the days to come. The hardest thing about this page is keeping it up to date....
Original list from August 30th:
#10. Cluelessgate. She sounds totally clueless talking about Iraq or foreign policy.
#9. Censorgate. She asked her town librarian if the library "could live with censorship of library books.”
#8. Bridge-to-Nowheregate. She was for it before she was against it.
#7. Buchanangate. She was a big supporter of Pat Buchanan's 1996 rather hard-right, somewhat anti-semitic run for office. That ought to win over voters in Florida. (Update: this fact is now being denied by the McCain campaign. Until there's evidence one way or another we should probably remove this from the list in favor of Porkgate at #2 - see below.)
#6. Whinergate. She called Hillary Clinton a whiner. THIS is the candidate who's supposed to win over disgruntled Clinton supporters? Can we say "Phil Graham"?
#5. Kidgate. Not only is she staunchly anti-choice, she recently had a Down's Syndrome child. While making a choice to give birth to and raise such a child is certainly courageous - and will be at least as appealing as Biden's personal backstory - many women will wonder how she can decide to leave such a child while campaigning for the White House. And you have to wonder at her judgement to get pregnant in her mid-forties, after already having four children, knowing the risk of having a child with such a disease (or was this an example of what happens when right-to-lifers don't use contraception?) Won't all this, along with her membership in a notorious anti-choice organization called "Feminists for Life," seem like she's exploiting a baby for ideology, and turn most women off?
#4. Superstitiongate. Not only is Palin anti-science, she wants to teach Creationism in schools.
#3. Sexual Scandalgate. She appointed a known sexual-harassment offender to office then had to fire him.
#2. Oilgate. She's vetoed legislation for wind and solar energy and is securely in the pockets of big oil (her husband works for British Petroleum). She's even willing to let polar bears die for oil.
#1. Troopergate. She fired her public safety commissioner because he refused to fire a state trooper who was the ex-husband of her sister and engaged in a bitter custody battle. Can we say "Bush Administration"?
Troopergate, you say? Just you wait: Want more on the deliciously "Northern Exposure Meets Nixon"-esque intricacies of the abuse-of-power scandal rocking sleepy Alaska? Read about it here.
The prior blogger forgot one last "gate" --General Gate. She is protecting her cronies and there is a cover up I believe. The Alaska Guard is getting a reputation for corruption and unethical leadership. Why hasn't it been investigated? The last Gate "Cover up Gate"
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