Where's Sarah?

As we were saying...
(3/16/09) Just one day after posting a blog about the governor's lack of leadership on critical issues, the Fairbanks Daily News Miner published a story today about the progress on one of the governor's priority bills for this year.
According to Rena Delbridge writing in the Fairbanks paper, Golden Valley Electric Association CEO Brian Newton attended meetings last week with the Palin administration in Juneau regarding the governor's proposed legislation to combine railbelt utilities.
The legislation would create a framework for the Railbelt’s six electric utilities to form a corporation to own and manage transmission and generation.
GVEA officials have voiced concerns about the proposal and according to some lawmakers, have said privately that there would be no way they'd ever go along with the proposal.
Newton did said the meetings in the capital, held during the Alaska Power Association meetings, were useful. GVEA and the administration will work together to iron out differences, he said.
The most telling line of the story was the last line of the story:
"The governor didn’t meet with GVEA personally, nor did she speak to the Alaska Power Association gathering.
The railbelt consolidation bill is supposedly a priority piece of legislation for the governor and energy is the most critical issue of the legislative session, but yet she didn't meet with or speak to Alaska energy executives when they were in Juneau?
As we said; lights are on but nobody is home.
Andrew Halcro's blog
Labels: incompetent, sarah palin
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