Call them, Dammit!!!!

Rumors have begun to circulate in the capitol about the sudden departure of former Attorney General Talis Colberg and possible pressure that was brought upon him as well as a Wasilla State Senator.
Yesterday, a popular blog reported that Governor Sarah Palin's father, Chuck Heath, had called Colberg and asked him to write a letter defending the governor's administration in response to the State Senate passing Senate Resolution 5.
The resolution which passed on a vote of 16 to 1, found that Gov. Palin's husband, Todd, and nine Palin aides in contempt for failing to show up when ordered by subpoena to testify in the Legislature's "Troopergate" investigation of the governor.
Colberg never wrote any such letter.
His abrupt departure without any real explanation has given energy to the rumor that he was pushed out because he refused to escalate the tension that already exists between the executive and legislative branches of state government.
On Wednesday, in an attempt to take the focus off of Colberg's mysterious departure, the governor threw together a press conference, surrounded by a room full of aides and commissioners.
The Alaska Budget Report described the scene at the press conference: "Ensconced by some 25 commissioners, aides and assistants, the governor and her entourage dwarfed the press corps, whose members jockeyed for the scant remaining seats in the Third-Floor conference room."
During the press conference, Sean Cockerham from the Anchorage Daily News asked Palin if she requested that Colberg send a response letter to the Senate challenging SR5.
Instead of answering the question directly, Palin looked up and down the long table to her staff trying to find some consensus before answering the question.
In addition, word began circulating yesterday around the halls of the capital that Colberg wasn't the only to receive a phone call from the governor's father.
A few lawmakers reported to me yesterday that Wasilla Senator Linda Menard, who was one of six Republican Senators who voted in favor of the resolution, received a not so pleasant phone call from Palin's dad.
Menard is a long time friend of the Palins and had strong support during last falls election in winning the seat held by former Wasilla Senator Lyda Green.
Reportedly, the fact that Menard supported the resolution didn't sit well with the family.
These reported attempts to pressure with intimidating phone calls is beginning to sound a lot like the Wooten affair.
Who are these people; the Sopranos?
Meanwhile, with the absence of any real reason for the Colberg departure, rumors are left to fill the vacuum.
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Yesterday, a popular blog reported that Governor Sarah Palin's father, Chuck Heath, had called Colberg and asked him to write a letter defending the governor's administration in response to the State Senate passing Senate Resolution 5.
The resolution which passed on a vote of 16 to 1, found that Gov. Palin's husband, Todd, and nine Palin aides in contempt for failing to show up when ordered by subpoena to testify in the Legislature's "Troopergate" investigation of the governor.
Colberg never wrote any such letter.
His abrupt departure without any real explanation has given energy to the rumor that he was pushed out because he refused to escalate the tension that already exists between the executive and legislative branches of state government.
On Wednesday, in an attempt to take the focus off of Colberg's mysterious departure, the governor threw together a press conference, surrounded by a room full of aides and commissioners.
The Alaska Budget Report described the scene at the press conference: "Ensconced by some 25 commissioners, aides and assistants, the governor and her entourage dwarfed the press corps, whose members jockeyed for the scant remaining seats in the Third-Floor conference room."
During the press conference, Sean Cockerham from the Anchorage Daily News asked Palin if she requested that Colberg send a response letter to the Senate challenging SR5.
Instead of answering the question directly, Palin looked up and down the long table to her staff trying to find some consensus before answering the question.
In addition, word began circulating yesterday around the halls of the capital that Colberg wasn't the only to receive a phone call from the governor's father.
A few lawmakers reported to me yesterday that Wasilla Senator Linda Menard, who was one of six Republican Senators who voted in favor of the resolution, received a not so pleasant phone call from Palin's dad.
Menard is a long time friend of the Palins and had strong support during last falls election in winning the seat held by former Wasilla Senator Lyda Green.
Reportedly, the fact that Menard supported the resolution didn't sit well with the family.
These reported attempts to pressure with intimidating phone calls is beginning to sound a lot like the Wooten affair.
Who are these people; the Sopranos?
Meanwhile, with the absence of any real reason for the Colberg departure, rumors are left to fill the vacuum.
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Labels: Andrew Halcro, contempt, corruption, palin unethical behavior
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